Italian verb conjugation can be challenging due to the various forms and uses of verbs. However, with our free Italian verb conjugator, those difficulties are a thing of the past.
Our database contains over 12,000 Italian verbs for conjugation. With its help, you can learn the conjugation of almost all regular and irregular Italian verbs in various forms: indicativo, congiuntivo, condizionale, passato prossimo and others.
Just enter the infinitive, and the conjugation table will instantly appear.
Simply enter the infinitive of the Italian verb you'd like to conjugate in the form above and click "GO." After this you'll see the conjugations for every tense and mood.
Italian verb conjugation might look daunting, but it’s really about patterns. Conjugation means altering a verb form that shows us who performs the action, how, and when.
Let's talk about Italian pronouns:
I - Io;
You - Tu;
He/She/It - Lui/Lei;
We - Noi;
You (plural) - Voi;
They - Loro.
We also need to say that there are three types of Italian verbs based on their endings.
1. Verbs ending in -are (lavorare, cantare);
2. Verbs ending in -ere (vivere, vedere);
3. Verbs ending in -ire (partire, dormire).
The majority of verbs follow a predictable conjugation pattern. For example, “parlare” (to speak):
Io parlo (I speak);
Tu parli (You speak);
Lui/Lei parla (He/She speaks);
Noi parliamo (We speak);
Voi parlate (You speak - plural);
Loro parlano (They speak).
On the other hand, there are some Italian irregular verbs that may seem tricky. Because some of such verbs are often used (like avere, essere, and fare), it's important to learn their conjugation.