Slovenian pronouns
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Welcome to our Slovenian grammar course for beginners! Today we're going to talk about the Pronouns.
Slovene has different kinds of pronouns that are necessary for addressing others, describing a person or a group of people and situations. Pronouns are quite commonly used, and we will tell you about them.
Personal Pronouns (Osebni zaimki)
Personal pronouns serve the purpose of replacing nouns to avoid repetition and make communication more efficient. They help identify the participants in a conversation, whether they are the speaker, the listener, or other individuals being discussed. Slovenian personal pronouns also convey information about number,
grammatical gender, and case, which are important for proper sentence structure and understanding.
They look like this:
jaz (I);
ti (You informal);
on (He);
ona (She);
ono (It);
mi me (We);
vi ve (You formal / plural);
oni one ona (They ).
Also there are pronouns from the dual form:
midva midve medve (We two);
vidva vidve vedve (You two);
onadva onidve onedve (They two).
Non-typical pronouns
onedve are used to denote feminine nouns. The pronoun
ona is also used for neuter plural nouns.
Possessive Pronouns (Svojilni zaimki)
Possessive pronouns are used to indicate ownership or possession of something by a particular person. They help clarify who owns or possesses an object, which is essential for effective communication. Slovenian possessive pronouns also carry information about number, gender, and case, which is important for proper sentence construction. By using possessive pronouns, speakers can convey relationships between individuals and their belongings, making the language more precise and contextually accurate.
This is what they look like:
moj (my);
tvoj (your);
njegov (his);
njen (her);
naš (our);
vaš (your);
njihov (their).
For the dual form:
najin (our);
vajin (your);
njun (their).
Reflexive Pronouns (Povratni zaimki)
Reflexive pronouns are used to indicate that the subject of the sentence is also the recipient of the action. They help express actions where the subject both performs and receives the action simultaneously. In Slovenian, reflexive pronouns also provide information about number, gender, and case, which contribute to grammatical accuracy and clear communication.
Reflexive pronouns can have the following forms depending on cases:
sebe se (genitive case);
sebi si (dative case);
sebe se (accusative case);
s sabo seboj (instrumental case);
o sebi (locative case).
The forms of these pronouns are part of a larger group of verbs called "reflexive verbs". Look at the example of how the meaning of a verb changes by simply adding a reflexive pronoun:
učiti (to teach) - učiti se (to learn).
Demonstrative Pronouns (Demonstrativni zaimki)
Demonstrative pronouns are used to indicate and emphasize specific objects or entities in relation to their distance from the speaker or listener. They help point out or refer to something in a more precise manner, enhancing clarity and context in communication. In Slovenian, demonstrative pronouns come in various forms to reflect gender, number, and case. This allows for accurate identification of the object being referred to and its grammatical role within a sentence.
These pronouns are next:
to (that);
ta tisti (this);
takšen (such);
tam (there);
takrat (then);
tako (so);
toliko (so much).
Interrogative pronouns (Vprašalni zaimki)
Interrogative pronouns are used to make questions and seek specific information about people, things, actions, or qualities. Interrogative pronouns help direct the focus of a conversation toward a particular aspect, encouraging dialogue and interaction. In Slovenian, interrogative pronouns are inflected based on gender, number, and case.
Slovenian interrogative pronouns are next:
kaj (what);
kdo (who);
kakšen (which);
kje (where);
kdaj (when);
kako (how);
koliko (how much).
They are used both for asking questions and in narratives.
Indefinite pronouns (Neomejeni zaimki)
Indefinite pronouns are used to refer to unspecified or unidentified people, things, or quantities. They indicate a subject about which we don't have specific information.
Slovenian Indefinite pronouns are next:
vse (everything);
vsak (every);
vsakršen (every kind of);
vsepovsod (everywhere);
vedno (always);
vsekakor (in every way).
Negative pronouns (Negativni zaimki)
They are used in negative phrases. Negative pronouns are formed when a negative particle (such as "
ne") is combined with a pronoun to create a negative sense.
For example:
nič (nothing);
nihče (nobody);
nikjer (nowhere);
nikoli (never);
nikakor (in no way);
nekoliko (several).
That's all for now. We're not delving into complex grammar aspects yet, since they cannot be covered in one article or lesson. However, you can learn more if you continue to study Slovenian on our website.
We look forward to seeing you in the upcoming lesson, where we will talk about
the Subject Pronouns in Slovenian. Good luck!