Numbers 1-1000 with pronunciation

Numbers 1-1000 with pronunciation

SlovenianSlovenian A1

Welcome to our Slovenian grammar course for beginners! Today we will talk about Slovene numerals and the features that distinguish them from numerals in other Slavic languages.

Slovenian numerals have a unique charm, arising from their manner of forming decimal numbers. Take, for instance, the number 21. If we translated it directly from Slovenian to English, it would give the phrase "one and twenty" a very nice linguistic form, don't you think? This feature finds its roots in the historical influence of German on Slovene. You see, in German, numerals are constructed in a similar manner. And Slovene people decided to use the same way.

Numbers 0-10

Throughout our lesson we are going to show both cardinal and ordinal numerals. Let us embark on this numerical journey, starting with the first ten.
Digit Number (Sl.) Ordinal (Sl.)
0 nič zero
1 en ena eno prvi
2 dva dve drugi
3 tri tretji
4 štiri četrti
5 pet peti
6 šest šesti
7 sedem sedmi
8 osem osmi
9 devet deveti
10 deset deseti

Numbers 11-20

Moving on, numbers from eleven to twenty:
Digit Number (Sl.) Ordinal (Sl.)
11 enajst enajsti
12 dvanajst dvanajsti
13 trinajst trinajsti
14 štirinajst štirinajsti
15 petnajst petnajsti
16 šestnajst šestnajsti
17 sedemnajst sedemnajsti
18 osemnajst osemnajsti
19 devetnajst devetnajsti
20 dvajset dvajseti

Numbers 21-29

Numbers that are greater than 20 look different (this has already been discussed above). Let's see how they form:
Digit Number (Sl.) Ordinal (Sl.)
21 enaindvajset enaindvajseti
22 dvaindvajset dvaindvajseti
23 triindvajset triindvajseti
24 štiriindvajset štiriindvajseti
25 petindvajset petindvajseti
26 šestindvajset šestindvajseti
27 sedemindvajset sedemindvajseti
28 osemindvajset osemindvajseti
29 devetindvajset devetindvajseti

The principle is simple: the units are written first, followed by the conjunction "in" (meaning "and" in English), and then the tens. Please note that these Slovenian numbers are written in one word.

Numbers 30-90

Using this principle, you can make numbers from 21 to 99. All you need is to remember the names of the tens:
Digit Number (Sl.) Ordinal (Sl.)
30 trideset trideseti
40 štirideset štirideseti
50 petdeset petdeseti
60 šestdeset šestdeseti
70 sedemdeset sedemdeseti
80 osemdeset osemdeseti
90 devetdeset devetdeseti

Numbers 100-1000

Numbers that encompass hundreds are combinations of hundreds, tens, and units. As we've already delved into the realms of tens and units, the time is ripe to venture into the hundreds:
Digit Number (Sl.) Ordinal (Sl.)
100 sto stoti
200 dvesto dvestoti
300 tristo tristoti
400 štiristo štiristoti
500 petsto petstoti
600 šeststo šeststoti
700 sedemsto sedemstoti
800 osemsto osemstoti
900 devetsto devetstoti
1000 tisoč tisoči

The principle is somewhat similar to that of the tens and units. For instance:
23 - triindvajset triindvajseti
123 - stotriindvajset stotriindvajseti

Another example:
748 - sedemsto oseminštirideset sedemsto oseminštirideseti

If you wish to use thousands, don't worry! Simply insert the desired digit and the word tisoč (meaning "thousand") ahead of the numeral:
75492 - petinsedemdeset tisoč štiristo dvaindevetdeset petinsedemdeset tisoč štiristo dvaindevetdeseti


If you understand the principle of forming numbers, then now you have everything you need to use them in everyday speech.
Enjoy the charm of Slovenian numerals and remember that language is a journey of discovery! We are waiting for you in the next lesson, where we will talk about asking questions in Slovenian. Good Luck!