Ordering Food in Italian
Italian ⋙
Italian A1
Welcome to our Italian grammar course for beginners! Today, we're going to talk about ordering food.
When traveling in Italy or dining at Italian restaurants, knowing how to order food allows you to fully immerse yourself in the local culture and cuisine. Ordering food in a local language shows respect for the culture and enhances your overall experience by engaging more deeply with the local traditions. If you're in Italy for business or attending social events, knowing how to order food helps you navigate meals with colleagues and friends. Let's look at the essential phrases you need to know for ordering food in Italian.
Polite Expressions
Per favore (Please)
Grazie (Thank you)
Mi scusi (Excuse me, to get the waiter's attention)
Scusi (Excuse me, to address the waiter)
Asking for a Table
Posso avere un tavolo per tre persone, per favore? (Can I have a table for three people, please?)
Vorrei prenotare un tavolo per stasera. (I would like to reserve a table for tonight.)
Ordering Drinks
Posso avere da bere, per favore? (Can I have something to drink, please?)
Posso vedere il menù delle bevande, per favore? (Can I see the drink menu, please?)
Vorrei un bicchiere di vino rosso/bianco, per favore. (I would like a glass of red/white wine, please.)
Mi dia una bottiglia d'acqua naturale/gassata, per favore. (Please give me a bottle of still/sparkling water.)
Mi dia una birra, per favore. (Give me a beer, please.)
Un caffè, per favore. (A coffee, please.)
Che antipasti consiglia? (What appetizers do you recommend?)
Vorrei un antipasto di mare. (I would like a seafood appetizer.)
Un'insalata mista, per favore. (A mixed salad, please.)
Posso avere una porzione di bruschette? (Can I have a portion of bruschetta?)
Vorrei ordinare gli antipasti misti, per favore. (I would like to order mixed appetizers, please.)
Posso avere una zuppa del giorno? (Can I have the soup of the day?)
Main Course and Pizza
Quali sono i piatti del giorno? (What are the dishes of the day?)
Vorrei un piatto di pasta alla carbonara. (I would like a plate of carbonara pasta.)
Vorrei il filetto di manzo alla griglia, per favore. (I would like the grilled beef fillet, please.)
Posso avere il filetto di manzo ben cotto? (Can I have the well-cooked beef fillet?)
Mi dia una pizza margherita, per favore. (Give me a Margherita pizza, please.)
Posso avere la pizza margherita con extra mozzarella? (Can I have the Margherita pizza with extra mozzarella?)
Un piatto vegetariano, per favore. (A vegetarian dish, please.)
Side Dishes
Quali contorni avete? (What side dishes do you have?)
Posso avere delle patatine fritte? (Can I have some French fries?)
Un po' di verdure grigliate, per favore. (Some grilled vegetables, please.)
Vorrei patate al forno come contorno. (I would like roasted potatoes as a side dish.)
Quali dolci avete oggi? (What desserts do you have today?)
Posso avere un tiramisù? (Can I have a tiramisu?)
Mi dia il tiramisù, per favore. (Please give me the tiramisu.)
Vorrei provare il gelato alla fragola. (I would like to try the strawberry ice cream.)
Mi dia la torta al cioccolato. (Give me the chocolate cake, please.)
Vorrei il gelato alla vaniglia. (I would like the vanilla ice cream.)
Asking for the bill
Il conto, per favore. (The bill, please.)
Posso pagare, per favore? (Can I pay, please?)
Mi può portare il conto, per favore? (Could you bring me the bill, please?)
When you're in the restaurant, don't forget to use polite expressions, smile, and feel free to ask for clarifications or recommendations if you're unsure. Practice these phrases, and you'll be confidently enjoying Italian cuisine at restaurants!
Pay attention to the new words you came across in the lesson:
Tavolo (table)
Prenotare (reserve)
Stasera (this evening)
Menù (menu)
Bevande (drinks menu)
Bicchiere (glass)
Bottiglia (bottle)
Gassata (sparkling)
Birra (beer)
Antipasti (appetizers)
Insalata (salad)
Misto (mixed)
Porzione (portion)
Bruschetta (bruschetta)
Zuppa (soup)
Piatto (dish)
Pasta (pasta)
Filetto (fillet)
Manzo (beef)
Griglia (grill)
Vegetariano (vegetarian)
Contorno (side dishes)
Patatine fritte (french fries)
Patate al forno (roasted potatoes)
Verdure (vegetables)
Oggi (today)
Gelato (ice-cream)
Fragola (strawberry)
Cioccolato (chocolate)
Vaniglia (vanilla)
Conto (bill)
Pagare (pay)
Portare (bring)
We are waiting for you in the next lesson, where we will talk about
buying clothes in Italian. Good luck!