Family Members in Italian

Family Members in Italian

ItalianItalian A1

Welcome to our Italian grammar course for beginners! Today we're going to talk about the family members.

When engaging in conversations about your own family or someone else's, knowing the correct Italian terms for family members allows for clear and accurate communication. Also, using the right family terms in Italian allows you to express affection and respect when talking to family members or addressing others' relatives. Therefore, we are going to explain in detail how to call family members in Italian.


In Italian, "mother" is called madre. You can use it to refer to your own mother or someone else's mother.
For example:
La mia* madre (My mother);
Sua* madre (His / Her mother).
* As you can see, we used two new words in the above phrases: "mia" (my) and "sua" (his / her). These are possessive adjectives, which let you say if something is yours, his, theirs, etc. We will talk about them in detail later. For now, just pay attention to these adjectives in the examples.


The word for "father" in Italian is padre. Just like with madre, you can use it to talk about your own father or someone else's father.
For instance:
Il mio padre (My father);
Il loro padre (Their father).


To refer to both parents together, you can use the word genitori.
For example:
I miei genitori (My parents);
I nostri genitori (Our parents).


The word for "brother" in Italian is fratello. You can use it to talk about your own brother or someone else's brother.
For instance:
Mio fratello (My brother);
Loro fratello (Their brother).


In Italian, "sister" is called sorella. You can use it to refer to your own sister or someone else's sister.
For example:
Mia sorella (My sister);
Tua sorella (Your sister).


To refer to all your brothers and sisters together, you can use the word fratelli e sorelle."
For instance:
Ho tre fratelli e due sorelle (I have three brothers and two sisters).


The word for "son" in Italian is figlio." You can use it to talk about your own son or someone else's son.
For example:
Il mio figlio (My son);
I suoi figli (His / Her sons).


In Italian, "daughter" is called figlia. You can use it to refer to your own daughter or someone else's daughter.
For instance:
La mia figlia (My daughter);
Le loro figlie (Their daughters).


To refer to all your sons and daughters together, you can use the word figli.
For example:
I miei figli (My children);
I nostri figli (Our children).


The word for "grandfather" in Italian is nonno. You can use it to talk about your own grandfather or someone else's grandfather.
For instance:
Mio nonno (My grandfather);
Il loro nonno (Their grandfather).


In Italian, "grandmother" is called nonna. You can use it to refer to your own grandmother or someone else's grandmother.
For example:
La mia nonna (My grandmother);
Sua nonna (His/Her grandmother).


To refer to both grandparents together, you can use the word nonni.
For instance:
I miei nonni (My grandparents);
I loro nonni (Their grandparents).


Overall, learning how to call Italian family members is a significant aspect of language and cultural learning. It allows you to communicate effectively, show respect for Italian culture, and build meaningful connections with Italian speakers. We hope you will learn the Italian words and use them to talk about your family or to ask others about theirs.
We are waiting for you in the next lesson, where we will talk about the main colors in Italian. Good luck!