Subject Pronouns in Croatian

Subject Pronouns in Croatian

CroatianCroatian A1

Welcome to our Croatian course for beginners! Today, we're going to talk about subject pronouns.

Subject pronouns in Croatian are very important elements of the language and are used to replace nouns when referring to people or things. They help make sentences more concise and less repetitive. Let's talk about them in more detail.


Ja (I)
Used when referring to yourself.

Ja idem u školu. (I am going to school.)

Ti (You, singular, informal)
Used when addressing someone informally or familiarly, like a friend or family member.

Ti si moj prijatelj. (You are my friend.)

On Ona Ono (He/She/It)
Used to refer to third-person singular subjects based on gender. "On" is for masculine, "Ona" is for feminine, and "Ono" is for neuter.

On ide u trgovinu. (He is going to the store.)
Ona čita knjigu. (She is reading a book.)
Ono je malo. (It is small.)


Mi (We)
Used when talking about ourselves or including others in the subject.

Mi idemo na putovanje. (We are going on a trip.)

Vi (You, plural, formal)
Used when addressing multiple people or someone formally.

Vi ste gospoda i gospođe. (You are ladies and gentlemen.)

Oni One Ona (They) Similar to the third-person singular, "Oni" is used for masculine, "One" for feminine, and "Ona" for neuter.

Oni čitaju knjige. (They are reading books.)
One su lijepe. (They are beautiful.)


For better understanding, let's provide all the forms of the subject pronouns based on cases.

Nominative Case:
This is the case used for the subject of a sentence.
Ja (I)
Ti (You, singular, informal)
On Ona Ono (He/She/It)
Mi (We)
Vi (You, plural, formal)
Oni One Ona (They)

Genitive Case:
Used to indicate possession, origin, or partitive relationships.
Mene (of me)
Tebe (of you, singular, informal)
Njega Nje Njega (of him/her/it)
Nas (of us)
Vas (of you, plural, formal)
Njih (of them)

Dative Case:
Used to show the indirect object of a verb.
Meni (to me)
Tebi (to you, singular, informal)
Njemu Njoj Njemu (to him/her/it)
Nama (to us)
Vama (to you, plural, formal)
Njima (to them)

Accusative Case:
Used for the direct object of a verb.
Mene (me)
Tebe (you, singular, informal)
Njega Nju Njega (him/her/it)
Nas (us)
Vas (you, plural, formal)
Njih (them)

Instrumental Case:
Used to indicate the means or instrument by which an action is performed.
Mnom (by me)
Tobom (by you, singular, informal)
Njime Njom Njime (by him/her/it)
Nama (by us)
Vama (by you, plural, formal)
Njima (by them)

Prepositional Case:
Used to indicate location or position and is typically governed by prepositions.
Meni (to/at/in me)
Tebi (to/at/in you, singular, informal)
Njemu Njoj Njemu (to/at/in him/her/it)
Nama (to/at/in us)
Vama (to/at/in you, plural, formal)
Njima (to/at/in them)

Subject pronouns are able to breathe life into your sentences and assist you in expressing who is taking action. However, remember that pronouns in Croatian can change depending on the verb tense and the overall sentence structure. Try constructing sentences using these subject pronouns. Good luck!